Sunday, October 14, 2018

A Type-Cast Player in the Game of Life, Death and Rebirth . . .

An (assumedly) worthy paragraph to share from my up-coming and still being composed travel narrative, sequel to Memories and Musings of a Post-Postmodern Nomadic Mystic Madman

I think it might be possible to end up rather a type-cast player (nata) in this Grand lila (play), despite one's latent talents or proclivities to play other more potentially fitting roles, within the grand scheme of repetitive themes and mythemes, characters and archetypes called for in whatever production at play on whatever stage, grand or small. I suppose it takes something rather quite like moksa to attain the degree of artistic license to have leave to always and only play those roles suite one's sensibilities, in this or any average lifetime lived. Usually one's karma from this or past lives does dictate and direct the course of the part or parts in the play one is to play. Those somewhat writ roles pressed upon us, that while granting due freedom of choice are still to some certain degree karma that our own past karma (literally “action(s)”) demands. This cycle of action and consequence and the almost certain suffering caused is why many leave the pursuit of kama (desire, family, etc.) and artha (wealth and fame) to live an ascetic life to focus on dharma (spiritual duty, literally “keeping things together”), and why some ascetics endeavor to do naught but to sit and breath in order to minimize their karmic footprint, so to speak . . .