Monday, December 4, 2017

Dreams of Royalty . . .

So I had this off dream about 6 or 7 years go wherein I was taken to an English country estate with a tudor style mansion, and was granted audience with a lovely and very sophisticated brunette woman...I believe there was perhaps another, a man in a gray suit standing whilst I sat with this woman and had a conversation I cannot quite recall.  I just saw this photo of Kate Middleton on an internet add and recognized her as the woman from the dream.  I hadn't taken much note of her appearance previously, I ought note.

Not the first dream in which I've had an audience with the British royals in a dream...
Excerpt from Memories and Musings of a Post-Postmodern Nomadic Mystic Madman:

"Whilst I slept I dreamt a dream in which I was hangin’ out in some hall and adjoining kitchen with Prince Charles (the British royal, ya’ know) and seemingly others—perhaps one or another or both of his sons. I went out into the large dining hall, then attempted to re-enter the kitchen with Zunaka through a different door. As I opened the heavy hardwood door, a large white wolf-hybrid in the kitchen started to snarl viciously, held back by one of the heir-apparent’s sons. I think there was another dog or two there, both smaller and less intimidating. Of course Zunaka started to snarl and strain at my restraint, ready to leap upon the other seemingly unneutered male wolf-dog. Zunaka was a very intelligent being, but not one to keep his cool when it comes to fighting—if the other dog had balls, that is. Anyhow, at that moment someone grabbed my arm from behind and stuck a syringe-needle into my flesh.

As I immediately started to wake from this dream, perhaps into another “dream,” I recall someone grabbing my arm through the tarp which covered me, and had the distinct impression said person assaulting me whilst half-sleeping and covered by a tarp stuck a needle into the arm I raised to fend off the assault—just as someone had injected me with something or other through a hypodermic needle in the previous dream, upon which I fell into a dreamless sleep. Indeed, it seems if one chooses to live to fullest potential and to challenge the status quo, you shall not fail to attract the attention of others who maintain pretensions of right and might, even in the dreams of night.

I’ve since tried to locate photos on the internet of kitchens and dining halls at the Prince of Wales’ various residences to see if any match the location in my dream, but have yet to locate any. I have had dreams that occurred in locations I’d not yet been, then later found said locations corresponding quite astonishingly to what I’d seen in the earlier dream, thus I shant be surprised if I find a photo of the kitchens at Birkhall or Highgrove to match the scene of the near dogfight in my dream."

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