Below is a four thousand year old mesopotamian seal that clearly depicts a sauropod, with appropriate musculature even . . .

Thousands of these clay figurines were found in the Acumbaro area in Mexico, all dating to at least one thousand years in age.

The infamous Ica stones, though without much of a patina (and thus indicating possible recent artwork), still give one cause to wonder.

And below is from footage shot by a Japanese film crew who were among many expeditions to the deep Congo in search of Mokele-mbembe, "the one who stops rivers from flowing" in the lingala language of the native pygmie people of the area. These people claim that the giant, four-legged, long necked and long tailed beast yet lives in the deepest jungles of Africa. This is nearly the only photographic or film evidence, but certainly something to wonder about.

The natives of Africa's jungles from Cameroon, Congo, and to Kenya tell of a variety of cryptids whose descriptions fit them well with what is known of various dinosaur species, including some which seem to be apatosaurus ("brontosaurus"), stegosaurs, and even the beloved triceratops. Fiction? Linguistic misinterpretation? or are there still dinosaurs living on earth, hidden in the deep jungles and swamps of Africa? Fun to consider, anyhow . . .
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