Though this is a more obvious or intuitive connection to be drawn than the Sanskrit-Native American (Indian!) connection (see post entitled, "Maybe Columbus Was Right After All") upon a cursory study, the Somali language contains quite a number of near cognates to Sanskrit.

agal Somali, "house"
agAra Sanskrit, "house, apartment"

nin Somali, "man"
ninditAzva Sanskrit, "of a man"

The "Orishas" of Africa (guardian spirits) might well be derived from the term "rishi" from India, which denotes shaman or guru.

haruud Somali, "yellow"
Haruuda Somali, "being yellow"
haridambara Sanskrit, "wearing a yellow or green garment"
haridra Sanskrit, "the yellow sandal tree"

jacayl Somali, "love"
kalgacal Somali, "love, affection"
kA Sanskrit root, to seek , desire , yearn , love

qudcur Somali, "darkness, i.e., second half of a lunar month (when there is no moon)"
cUDAmaNi Sanskrit, "an eclipse of the sun on a Sunday or an eclipse of the moon on a Monday"

As Somalia is the nearest land across the Indian Ocean to the source of Sanskrit it should not be surprising to find vestiges of said ancient tongue in the words of Somali, and by merely flipping through (scrolling through) lexicons for these two languages, Sanskrit influence is yet again found in another seemingly distant culture's words. Yet again, the truth of the predominance of Indian (i.e., the Asian subcontinent's) influence on the whole world in ancient times is clear.
geed Somali, "tree"
gaNDi Sanskrit, m. "the trunk of a tree from the root to the beginning of the branches"
These cognates/near cognates were found by a very cursory study.
Certainly a more thorough study would uncover many more similarities and cultural kinships between India and the vast neighboring continent across the ocean, Africa. Two great southern lands that were at various times source to the outflow of humanity and culture, both to be revered and respected as ancestors to all peoples.
Unkulunkulu, son of Umvelinqangi, a Creator God, Heavily involved in the Thunder and Earthquake industry. He came down to Earth one day and married the Swamp Goddess Uhlanga. The subsequent formation of primeval reeds resulted in the birth of Unkulunkulu. This is a South African myth.
Zulu Reed Dance

In one version of the Indian story of the conception of Kārttikeya (or "Skanda", god of war) Siva's seed is carried by the Ganges and deposited in a bed of reeds, which then give birth to Kartikeya.
Murti representing the Birth of Kartikeya

As an aside, the name Skanda seems obviously associated with the name "Iskandar," the Arabic version of the name "Alexander." Thus arises the question in my mind, was Alexander the Great an avatar of Skanda!? After all, he stopped his conquests once he reached India . . .
Scandinavia seems similarly potentially named after Skanda, who is a war God.
And back to India and Africa, it is interesting to note that the Mountain of the Devas and Devis in Heaven is Meru according to the ancient lore of India, and Mount Meru is a prominent sacred mountain in Kenya.
Very Interesting Research ,brother I was suprised also, when I knew ,that the sanskrit and the hindi is similar to the somali , for example "Ha" means "Yes" in hindi and also in somali !
You are right we use in somali also" Gandi" and it means the "trunk" as the sanskrit , we use also "Murti" as wisdom , and you represented it as a goddess, I would like more translation about "Murti" because in somali "Murti" is the "Wisdom" thanks for sharing ! I like what you posted and I can help you, I know the somali very well ! thanks
my email is "sajokal5@yahoo.fr "
Thanks much !! Especially for the connect of "Murti". A murti in Sanskrit refers to a sacred icon.
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