What is the meaning of the trishul, and the figure holding said made of mountains trishul ("trident" is the familiar English term for said ancient weapon of God), outlined on these maps?
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One day as I was walking through downtown Laramie, Wyoming gazing at the mountains to the east, south and west, and then considered the Platte River Valley to the west of the Laramie Valley as also surrounded by mountains on three sides, I wondered how succinctly these mountains would appear as a trishul, or at least a nice "W" for Wyoming, perhaps. I had had a sense that the three mountain ranges that extend from Colorado into southeast Wyoming formed something of a trishul for some time, though I had no idea how accurate a presentation of this symbol of the presence of Mahadeva, Siva, Hara, Shankara, Great God, Mahakala ("Big Time") was formed millions and millions of years ago by processes geologic and Divine. I did not imagine that this trishul even has a danda (staff), which is the Front Range of Colorado and the string of mountain ranges extending down to about Santa Fe, New Mexico.

The satellite photos above shows rather clearly that I was not mistaken about the trishul, sign of the presence of Siva, formed by the Laramie, Snowy, and Sierra Madre Ranges, with the Front Range as the danda. I did not conceive of the figure holding this auspicious weapon until I looked at the trishul via satellite photos. A Trishul is "the Presence of Shiva. "Shambala" means "the abiding place of Shiva." The Buddhist Shambala Center is located on the easternmost blade of the Rocky Mountain Trishul...Hindus believe Shambala to be the place where Kalki will come as the return of Vishnu to planet Earth, perhaps somewhere in Southeast Wyoming or North Central Colorado?
Mahakala is Shiva in His most terrible form, described as massive and covered in ash,a as rising from or out of the earth and destroying with fire and smoke and ash.
"According to Shaktisamgama Tantra, the spouse of Mahakali is extremely frightening. Mahakala has four arms, three eyes and is of the brilliance of 10 million black fires of dissolution,"
Mahakala also has a two-armed form, and is covered in ash.
UPDATE 2/24/20
...to further correlate to my interpretation of the Grand lotus-seated earth-made pictograph, that to my view appears to be cloaked, from the Buddhist tradition:
The two-armed "Black-Cloaked Mahakala" (Wylie: mgon po ber nag chen) is a protector of the Karma Kagyu school clad in the cloak of a mÄntrika "warlock".
If you would notice where the head and third-eye of the lotus-seated figure would be if said figure stood: YELLOWSTONE !!! The earthen Murti writ as the better part of the Rocky Mountains is Maha Kala, "Big Time" !!! When Maha Kala stands up (every 600,000 years or so), Yellowstone blows !!
Just noticed that the Sandia Mountains make for an interesting and obvious earthen pictogram, a person with hands raised and seemingly offering adoration to the Presence of Shiva as the adri trishul that starts just above the figure as the Sangre de Cristo mountains...
Namaste !!
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