Ganesha and Skanda's
Race Around the World
One day as two of God's Sons were
engaged in blissful play on Mount Kailash, and their Father Shiva
suggested they have a race to settle a dispute over who might partake
of the nectar of immortality. Not just a race to yonder mountain,
nor merely a contest of normal childish proportions. These two of
God's Sons determined to engage in a race around the whole world.
Kartikeya set out with all due haste
with hopes of victory. More concrete minded in many respects than
His Brother, Skanda set out to the west, across the sea to the
southern part of Africa. Their he met the Zulu's and they recognized
His Divinity by His radiant aura. They bowed themselves to the
ground before this god who had come to them from the waters. Due to
the passage of time and differences in pronunciation, the Zulu people
now know Kartikeya as Unkulunkulu, and tout His birth in a bed of
reeds by Umvelinqangi as their greatest day of celebration, the
anniversary of the birth of their God. Kartikeya was born in a bed
of reeds when His Father Shiva, full of all the male potency of the
Universe, ejaculated whilst on the banks of the Ganges, and His seed
floated into a bed of reeds whence Kartikeya was born.
In the meantime, Kartikeya's brother
Ganesha sat pensively pondering His strategy. Skanda was fast,
faster than Ganesha. One of Ganesha's names, Lambodara, betrayed
His weekness, an enourmous belly!! In a fair fight, Ganesha could
easily defeat his Brother, as none other than Their own Father Shiva
had ever defeated Ganesha in single combat, but Ganesha was rather a
heavy set boy and not the swiftest on His feet. Ganesha gladly
received a meal from His Mother Parvati, and enjoyed the rice and
lentil dal and reita that His Mother provided Her Big Boy as He
pondered His strategy.
Kartikeya continued on His path,
apparently north across the expanse of Africa. The young Skanda met
and befriended many peoples along the way, and taught the tribes and
civilizations along the way skills and technologies that transformed
their lives mostly for the better. Skanda was born a warrior, and a
leader of legions, and the peoples He encountered that embraced Him
the most were often warrior peoples. It is likely due to their
devotion to Unkulunkulu (Kartikeya) that the Zulus defeated the
British in the battle of Isandlwana, the last major defeat of an
army with modern armaments by people with “primitive” weapons.
In the north of Europe, an entire nation was named after Skanda, as
the ancient peoples there, precursors and likely ancestors to the
Vikings, grew enamored of His teachings and the blessings in battle
He did likely bestow upon Him, and thus still today this land is
known as Scandinavia. It may be that Alexander the Great had something to do with Skanda's meandering journey, as Alexander is "Iskandar" in many tongues, and thus telling that Alexander did get turned back when invading India.
Ganesha thought again of the race, and
wondered if there was any possible means to yet defeat His Brother in
the grand race. His Mother and Father were seated nearbye, relishing
eachother's company and their conversation sounded like sweet song,
more moving than any love ballad ever sung. Ganesha turned away
shyly as His Mother leaned to lay a kiss upon He Beloved Husband
Shiva's lips. Suddenly it came to Him, His Mother and Father,
Parvati and Shiva, were in fact the whole world. Ganesha had no need
to travel the whole of the globe in order to win this race! All He
had need to so was run a leisurely circle around His Parents, and the
race would be won. Ganesha missed His Brother, as Kartikeya was His
best friend and favorite playmate, but He still wanted to win this
contest. He stood, and then paced a circle around Parvati and Shiva,
and thus won the “race around the world” whilst His Brother
Kartikeya was still out on His path around the globe.
Kartikeya, also known as Skanda, had
made His way across the Atlantic Ocean and had met many peoples who
seemed very familiar. Kartikeya was surprised to discover that the
peoples of these lands spoke in a tongue which shared many words with
the people of His homeland. He taught many things to the peoples of
the Americas, as these lands later came to be known. Kartikeya
became known as Quetzalcoatl and Kulkulkan and many other names as He
imparted teachings to the tribes He encountered. Whether or not
Kartikeya would win the race around the world, whether or not He
would defeat His Brother was becoming irrelevant, as Kartikeya had
experienced so much beauty, both in the peoples and places he
encountered along the way, vast deserts and wondrous jungles and
grand mountains Skanda had explored.
Kartikeya on His Vehicle

By the time Kartikeya had reached the
Americas He had fully grown into manhood, and wore a thick beard, an
unusual feature to the beardless peoples he met amongst those later
called American Indians. Thus it is Kulkulcan and Quetzalcoatl are
depicted as bearded amongst the beardless...Kartikeya who'd came from
across the sea, and indeed from across two oceans, the Indian and the
Atlantic. Quetzalcoatl is associated with the “One Reed” cycle,
according to the Aztec calendar, again alluding to Kartikeya's birth
in a bed of reeds. An analogous deity to Quetzalcoatl in the America's is a god with the very Sanskrit sounding name Viracocha, rather phonetically nigh two of Kartikeya's names, Virasutaya (Eminent art Thou in the Universe) and Viraghnaya (Vanquisher of heroic opponents). Another interpretation proffered has been that Viracocha is Vaman, the dwarf avatar of Vishnu, as Waman asked King Bali to move his kingdom and peoples to Patala, the "Underworld," upon His reallocation of the globe. (
There might be some question as to the order of Kartikeya's journey, as the first depictions of Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, are amongst the Olmecs, who many posit traveled to the Americas from Africa, and thus it might be Kartikeya spent time in northern Europe to inspire the appelation “Scandinavia” before He went to abide amongst the Zulus.
Below are depictions of Kartikeya and His vehicle, a peacock, and Quetzalcoatl,
the Feathered Serpent, respectively.
There might be some question as to the order of Kartikeya's journey, as the first depictions of Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, are amongst the Olmecs, who many posit traveled to the Americas from Africa, and thus it might be Kartikeya spent time in northern Europe to inspire the appelation “Scandinavia” before He went to abide amongst the Zulus.
In the Pacific, Skanda appeared in a
great ship when the Tihitians were battling the Hawaiians. He is
touted in the Polynesian myth to have walked across the water to
shore, and was received as god Rongo. Rongo taught peace to the
Maori, healed people and discouraged them from sacrificing humans to
Him, and offered them knowledge of the Kumara (sweet potato) as a
substitute for the rampant cannibalism that had been a common
practice. Kumara is one of Skanda's names as He is known in India.
When and how Kartikeya finished this
race to finally arrive at Mount Kailash, this writer has yet to
determine. It does seem likely, if not certain, that this grand
“race around the world” may in fact describe the movements of
peoples, metaphorically, though it is my belief that Kartikeya, His
Brothers Ganesha and Ayyappa (who most Westerners know as Jesus
Christ, by the way), their Sisters and Parents Shiva and Parvati (and
in Ayyappa's case, Mohini/Vishnu), and the other Devas and Devis are
real beings who sometimes manifest amongst the peoples of this world,
living in real human history and often as those who make history.
Dedicated to my son, birth name Kieran Drew Archer
. . . and to Ganesha . . .
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