Wow!! Obama still pretty much rocks in my book (with the primary exception being his war policies)!! It is indeed about time that both the practicing Hindu population of this nation, and all of our heritages that have origin in sanatana dharma (see posts, "Hidden Origins of the West," "Maybe Columbus Found India After All: Traces of India Amongst American 'Indians,'" "Sanskrit and . . . Somali?!?!" and "Mind Your P's and Q's: English-Sanskrit Cognates/Obvious Derivative Words") be recognized in this land.
Congress passed a resolution in 2007 recognizing Diwali in Senate Resolution 299, which recognized the "religious and historical significance of the festival of Diwali," This resolution unanimously passed November 14, 2007 in the U.S. Senate.
This recognition of the significance of this holiday which is important not only for Hindus, but also for Jains, Sikhs, and some Buddhists is certainly a step towards recognizing heritages other than the "Western" as important to America.
Indeed, change for the better is still in the air . . . and in fire, water and earth, too. May the real, good and pure light of truth prevail, and lead us all and each to life, purification and purity (though not puritanicalism), happiness, health, and appropriate relationships with each other and the good earth we have been blessed with . . .
Jeffrey Charles Archer
Dilettante Extraordinaire

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