As yet another example of the ineptitude, myopia or outright dissembling of "Western" scholarship, the word "devil" is tauted as deriving from the Greek word "diabolos." Yet again, the European and American scholarly community is seeking origins of their culture in a source less than half-way to the source of the real story. As Abraham, purported father of Judaism, and thus of Christianity and also of Islam, is clearly derivative of Brahma, Creator Deity in the Hindu Trimurti (see previous post "Hidden Origins of the West"), so the word "devil," supposedly derivative of the aforementioned Greek word, has much more ancient origins, likely as a perversion of the most ancient known name for either God or Goddess, Deva and Devi, if in fact the Greek is truly the origin of "the Devil." The word "God" by the way, is clearly derived from the Sanskrit word go, which translates directly as "cow." Western etymologists have endeavored to maintain the lie that the word God comes from the Sanskrit word hu or "one who is commonly invoked," rather than to admit the more obvious and accurate recognition that "God" is derived from the Sanskrit word go.
"Mooooooo . . . AUM"

Admittedly, tracing the origins of cultural icons and artifacts through their transmissions and dispersions is by no means an easy task. Nonetheless, some of the more obvious LIES disseminated by "Western" scholarship and religion have been called to task on such issues as the origin of Abraham--Voltaire pointed out the obvious fact that Abraham and his wife Sarah are clearly derivative of Brahma and his consort Saraswati, and tauted Abraham's tribe was a band of travelling brahmin priests, yet the same old lies continued to be fomented.
Regarding the word "devil," I did once come across a reference to the notion that it was in Persia that "Deva" or "Devi" was twisted to construct the figure called "devil," though most sources want to stick to the convenient lie that said term comes from Greek or originated in the Anglo-Saxon. This Persian theory does seem to make sense, as it was the general westward movement or migration of Indian archetypal figures or figurations that led to the creation of Judaism, Christianity and Islam--all of which generally deny the truth of their origins further to the east, in the Indus Valley. Also of note is that the Trishul, symbol of the presence of Mahadeva/Siva was perverted into the "pitchfork"/trident of the Devil. It seems certain that something happened which later caused at least the better portion of the dominant cultures to the west to endeavour to "change history"--or more accurately, to lie about it. Precisely the issues at hand are not definitively clear, though I've some likely theories.
It seems very likely that a significant possibility as to why this particular occultation of the truth occurred was as an attempt to hide some "divine drama" or other, possibly the truth behind the myth of Brahma losing his "fifth head" as a result of lusting after or raping his daughter (the Jewish rite of circumcision is an obviously derivative practice of this event recorded as a widely told tale in Indian sacred lore).
Indeed, the study of history is as or more startling than any of the popularly received conspiracy stories and theories in circulation, if one gets beyond the "drum and trumpet" histories, past the overt tales of dynastic successions and even through or beyond the somewhat more valuable social analyses and cultural critiques of life in the past. If a book were writ that revealed the plot lines of these truest secret stories, the "As above . . ." that has informed and to whatever degree forms the "so below," it would read as more like science fiction or fantasy than traditional history, more like a grand and intrigue-filled romance novel than the Bible, and paint a picture that looks more like Hironymous Bosch than it resembles Rembrandt. It might appear very much like the mythologies of India--though not without various other valuable bits and pieces of the story writ throughout the world's sacred and profane traditional tales generally . . .
What a twisted tale is woven . . .
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