Hindu Gods and Goddesses

Monday, August 27, 2018

Dvesa bhakti, Hass-liebe and Social Transformation

Dvesa-bhakti and the power of inversion . . . the transformation of discursive violences by owning those vehicles of discursive violence, owning the words used to unjustly abuse you or your group to take that power back to heal both the injured and at least inadvertently the injurer . . .

Humor, even baudy humor, has a place to play in these righteous, kind and playful transformations, especially as we are transitioning into the Gauri Yuga, a figurative 10,000 year span to last so long as we choose good practice and devotion to the Divine and do maintain sanAtana dharma (literally "eternally keeping things together").

Black people taking the epithet "nigger" and turning said term into a term of endearment as "nigga," and gays and lesbians turning the term "queer" into a term of empowerment, and "fag" and "dyke" into playful terms of endearment are examples of this method of social transformation effected through discursive inversion.  Such means to whatever degree reprogram the discourse, and thus transform those intonations and vibrations formerly used to injure into instruments of empowerment and playful healing.

Though such modes are tenuous at times, such are the indeed to whatever degree effective in turning such energies of injustice into useful and playfully transformative means of transforming venomous words into personal and group empowerment . . .

Shanti Shanti Shanti

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