Hindu Gods and Goddesses

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Which Came First: the Mountain or the ॐ?

This is a mountain in the Himalayas called ॐ पर्वत् (AUM Parvat) . . .
The obvious question that must be asked, at least by a mad social scientist like me: is this a megalithic petroglyph ?!  Did a king (or maybe giants) have this sacred symbol carved on the side of this mountain, the combination of the Devanagari letters AUM, by ordering the removal of who know how many million tons of rock from the slope of this massive high altitude peak?!  Else perhaps an ascetic was inspired by the shape of the snowfields on this mountain, and developed (had revealed to him/her?) the Devanagari script.  One or the other must be true, no?!  This mountain is on the pilgrim path (yatra) to Mount Kailash, and so the   taking up the side of such a massive mountain on this ancient sacred pathway CANNOT BE COINCIDENCE !!  Maybe Shiva Himself or Ma Prithvi Devi or Vishnu put the   there?!  What could possibly be the explanation for the   of   Parvat ?!  Feel free to enlighten me if you know the answer . . .

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